
How-to: hack your own DROID dock with magnets and cardboard

Posted on: October 29, 2009

@ Engadget

// You know what’s magical? Magnets. They’re so magical, in fact, that Motorola decided to use them in its new DROID car and “multimedia station” docks. Based on the positioning of a couple of magnets, the phone auto-loads the pertinent application — the multimedia station at least offers a charging plug, but the car dock is all stand. Lucky for us it’s not hard to figure out where to place a couple of magnets (we used some nerd-approved “Buckyballs“) and spoof the phone into acting like it’s docked. We’re sure with some additional craftmanship we could have a dock that actually holds the DROID upright, but we won’t get ahead of ourselves. For now check out our very own multipurpose homebrew DROID dock after the break.

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